Heading To Warmer Weather Over The Holidays?

Heading To Warmer Weather Over The HolidaysEscaping the cold weather over the holidays is a time-honored tradition. Remember that tropical paradises can pose a threat due to pesky mosquitoes. Here are seven travel tips to help you spend more time at the pool and less time scratching mosquito bites.
  1. Use a mosquito repellent with an EPA-registered active ingredient (https://www.cdc.gov/zika/prevention/prevent-mosquito-bites.html). You can purchase towelettes containing repellent before you go; they easily fit in luggage.
  2. When selecting a hotel room, try to get on a higher floor. Mosquitoes tend to stay closer to the ground.
  3. Resorts and hotels close to the ocean or at higher elevation tend to have fewer mosquito problems.
  4. Sleep in air-conditioned rooms that have screens. Sleeping under the stars may be romantic but you might regret it later!
  5. Do not leave patio doors and windows open unless they are screened.
  6. If you have a patio or veranda near the ground floor, consider buying a small floor fan. Most mosquitoes are weak fliers and the breeze will deter them.
  7. Finally, consider going to a travel clinic well before your trip. Here you can get all the latest information on health threats and any needed vaccinations.
Bon voyage and be healthy smart! Learn more about Captain Stan here: https://catchmaster.com/introducing-captain-stan-the-mosquito-man/
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